Friday, August 2, 2013

London Horcrux #1: Tintern Abbey

Tintern Abbey
Tintern Abbey has to be one of my horcruxes, because I do feel like a piece of my soul is there. The
whole area is so peaceful and perfect. The walls of centuries past still stand, practically pouring out a thousand years of stories. The architecture is beautiful, and though it is in ruins, the strength and the thought process that went into constructing this magnificent building still stands. What I like best of all is how nature meets human invention. The stones are made from ingredients of the earth, and as the building degrades over time, it’s like the pieces go back to the earth. This is like the circle of life for all things, as we live, feed off the earth, and die, returning to feed the earth. So too is Tintern Abbey in this cycle. In addition, the way that the entire flooring is now a wonderful carpet of grass with daisies is such a perfect touch, I wish they had designed it that way on purpose. It makes the place so inviting. I felt compelled to lie down and just take in the whole place. Lying on the grass, staring up that the sky unimpeded by a roof, listing to happy birds tweet as they return to the nests they’ve built in the walls, feeling the magnitude of the walls around me – it truly felt like a perfect moment, like nothing more was needed. I took a nap, feeling peaceful and safe, as though letting the setting contribute to part of my natural human cycle was a way of letting it in to me, bottling up some of that peaceful, beautiful feeling.
The lovely grass carpeting and some of the building.
 This relates to the course because you almost have to view the place in the fantasy modality to truly appreciate it. To view it with no touch of the imagination or the fantastical is to simply see a crumbling old building and grass. But if you truly open up and let any fantastic notions take you, Tintern Abbey becomes so much more. Also, Tintern Abbey must be in folklore. It truly seems like the stuff of legend.
Trying to bottle up my feelings of happy and calm in a photograph.

More of the beautiful building and the view from it.

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