Friday, August 2, 2013

London Horcrux #2: Doctor Who Experience

When I finally found out I was actually going to be in the United Kingdom, I knew I had to go to Cardiff to see the Doctor Who Experience. 
The outside of the Experience, with the iconic TARDIS visible in front.
 When my mom was a child, she watched Doctor Who in its early years. Then when it had a revival in 2005, we watched it as a family, and it quickly became a favourite for all of us. The family tradition of watching the episodes together seems folkloric in nature. Before TV, a family might have gathered similarly to tell each other stories. Now we experience stories together.
The Experience itself was phenomenal, and truly a lot of fun. The first part was almost like being in an episode of Doctor Who, getting to experience some of the stories first hand. This then led to the museum, which had costumes and characters spanning over the fifty years of Doctor Who’s existence, which was amazing to see in person.
Some of the actual insides of the TARDIS. It was like literally stepping inside one of my favourite shows.
 This is a horcrux because it represents a body of stories important to my family and several of my family friends, and because I truly had a lot of fun doing it.  
It relates to the course because of the folkloric elements mentioned above. Also, Doctor Who is a sci-fi/fantasy blend, relating to our discussions on the fantasy genre. 
Pieces of Doctor Who.

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