Saturday, August 24, 2013

Edinburgh Horcrux #5: The Conan Doyle

The Conan Doyle.
I have chosen The Conan Doyle as my last horcrux, because it seems very fitting that it be my last one. The Conan Doyle is where we had our last meal as a group, and really the last time we saw everyone together. It's entirely likely that it was the last time I saw some of those people at all.
It was incredibly bitter sweet, the ending of our journey. I sat as we ate and drank, surrounded by new friends and many people with whom I had just shared a magnificent, life-changing journey. It seems almost like a fantasy story. I had just gone on an adventure, and now the adventure was ending, and life was about to return to the new status quo.
Panorama shot of my table/my roommates for the final week.
But at the same time, I was very glad that it was a new status quo, just as the the Hero's Cycle promised. I now know five amazing people, who are all very different from me and eachother, yet we get along amazingly well. This is in addition to the 13 other students of the program, who are also all talented and great in their own ways. And then of course the faculty who helped run the program.

As the meal progressed, we chatted and laughed. Two of us were having their first alcoholic beverages, which got them slightly tipsy and very humorous. As we continued to laugh about that, it reminded me that there are always more firsts to come. This evening concluded my first trip out of North America, but opened a world of new possibilities and potential firsts.

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